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What is Art Jamming? 自由繪畫是什麼?

Art Jamming具有即興和隨意的意思, 無限制主題和內容,可以自由創作。畫室提供繪畫所需材料, 包括顏料﹑畫筆﹑畫布等, 同時也有駐場導師, 有需要時可即時作出指導和協助。你可選擇兩種不同媒介: 塑膠彩(Acrylic)或油畫(Oil Paint)。


除了即興和自由發揮之外, Art Jamming提供平台讓不同年齡層人士, 不論是一家大小, 還是朋友相聚活動, 均愛上這個藝術體驗, 而且不設門檻, 任何人也可以繪畫完成意想不到的畫作。不少參加者都回覆Art Jamming過程輕鬆﹑治癒, 消除平日工作壓力, 完成畫作後帶來極大滿足感, 還可即場拿走作品, 為裝飾家居或工作空間增添品味。因此, 情侶﹑朋友和家庭會選擇Art Jamming, 不少企業和學校都與畫室合作, 舉辦Art Jamming活動作為企業Team Building和聯誼的不二之選。

Art Jamming means doing creations with improvisation and randomness, unlimited topics and themes of your paintings. All materials needed for painting are provided, including paints, brushes, canvases, etc. Our tutors can offer immediate guidance and assistance when needed. Participants of enrolling Art Jamming sessions will choose two different media: Acrylic or Oil painting.

The differences within Art Jamming and Regular Class?

Art Jamming provides a platform for people of all ages, whether of a family or gathering of friends to enjoy such an artistic experience. Everyone can finish their paintings with unexpected effect. Many participants who joined our Art Jamming replied that the process of painting freely was easy to handle and healing, which help people to eliminate their pressure from daily work. Art Jamming would also bring a great satisfaction to you after finishing​ your own painting, and you can take it back to home at once. Paintings are good decoration for your home or workspace. Therefore, couples, friends and families are highly recommended to join Art Jamming during weekends and holidays. Many enterprises and schools cooperate with us to hold Art Jamming as team building activities. It is the best choice for Team Building and Friendship!

3小時 自由繪畫 | 3-hours Art Jamming

Everyone can draw and paint.




Art Jamming | 自由繪畫

Your New Masterpiece

自選題材 Open topic


Canvases, brushes and paint provided. 

彈性時間 Flexible schedule
享受3小時繪畫 Enjoy the 3 hours session.

塑膠彩 Acrylic painting | 3 hours | HKD 300 /person. 
畫布尺寸 Regular canvas: 30 x 40 cm/25 x 30 cm. 

油畫Oil painting | 3 hours | HKD 330 /person. 
畫布尺寸 Regular canvas: 30 x 40 cm/25 x 30 cm. 


自由繪畫套票 | Art Jamming Package

更划算享受自由畫畫空間 Cost-effective 

9折優惠 Enjoy 10%off! 


2 accompanies share one art jamming package.

​塑膠彩 油畫

Acrylic Painting or Oil Painting

5個時段, 共15小時 5 sessions, 15 hours in total.

每節3小時  3 hours/ session

畫布 Regular canvas 30 x 40cm

*Art Jamming Package 有效期3個月 valid for 3 months


塑膠彩畫 Acrylic Painting


油畫 Oil Painting

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